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Title IX Compliance

Title IX Compliance

Compliance Officers

It is the policy of Canyon Independent School District to maintain a working and learning environment for all its employees and students by providing fair and equitable treatment including freedom from sexual discrimination and sexual harassment. Any employee or parent who feels that he/she or his/her child has been subjected to sexual discrimination or sexual harassment should file a written complain of the alleged act to the title IX Compliance Officer. The written complaint should state in detail the basis of the complaint, the names of the persons involved and the dates of the specific complaint.


Employee Contact:

Paul Kimbrough
Director of Human Resources
P.O. Box 899
Canyon, TX 79015
(806) 677-2607

Student Contact:

Robyn Cranmer
Assistant Superintendent
(Support Services)
P.O. Box 899
Canyon, TX 79015
(806) 677-2616